
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Heartbroken. . .Literally.

Let me preface this post with, I am okay.

I've got some bad news.

But I'm going to sandwich it between some good news, so we can all feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Good News!

This week's stats:

195 lbs

2 lbs down from the last post

15 lbs down from January

Now, 2 lbs in one month doesn't sound super-great, but considering what kind of month it's been it's amazing I haven't gained back everything and then some.

Bad News!

So, I was born with a heart defect, a moderate form of Pulmonary Stenosis. This isn't the bad news. But you need some background.

Here's the Cliffs Notes version: My pulmonic valve is narrow and doesn't close all the way which creates two problems: blood carrying oxygen to my lungs is slowed down because of the narrowed valve and the faulty valve flap regurgitates blood back into my heart, building pressure in the right ventricle. Eventually, the valve will need to be replaced. Still not the bad news.

It hasn't bothered me most of my life, except getting out of breath faster than most people. Six years ago I started having more problems- chest pains, fatigue, etc. So, I had a balloon valvuloplasty where they stretched out the valve. Problems went away. Yay! However, it's a temporary fix- doc said I'd probably need to have a replacement in 10-15 years. Well, it's been about half the time and I'm becoming symptomatic again- not as severe as last time, but it means the valve is narrowing again. Still not the bad news.

Here's the bad news: I have to drop out of the Ragnar. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! I'm so sad. But I've got to be careful about exerting myself to put off invasive procedures for as long as possible. Don't forget the subtitle of this blog: I don't want to die. That's still my main focus.

I'm hoping to be cleared for light exercise soon, though. And I am bound and determined to conquer the Ragnar. Just not this year.

While I'm disappointed I won't be joining W in June, the journey so far has been rewarding and I'm going to keep going. My focus is going to be more geared toward improving nutrition, strength training, and continuing weight loss.

Good News!!

Remember the t-shirt pictures from the last post? Befores:

Afters (don't look at the mess and my haggard appearance):

My clothes are fitting so much better- or, drum roll please, THEY ARE TOO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've had to dig out clothes from my "these are too cute I know I will fit in them again someday so I'm not parting with them" bins of clothes.


  1. I'm really glad that staying alive is your main focus. And as evidenced by the B&A pics: LOOKIN GOOD!!! Keep it up! Slow and steady is better than no and dead-y. (Sorry.....)

  2. What about the Color me rad 5K in June? You can run or walk and it's super fun!!

  3. Sorry to hear that you're dropping out of Ragnar. I guess I'll have to live vicariously through you another way. I'm glad your doctor caught it now rather than when you were on the trail running!

  4. Is it time for an update yet? I've fallen off the workout wagon again, and I need some help getting back on it! :) Thinking about you! -Pam
