
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Things Are Looking Up. . .and Down

The sun is shining. My body is on the mend. My house is on the mend. My cat hasn't tried to kill me in almost 48 hours.

Things are looking up!

And down:

This week's weigh-in: 197 lbs.

Down 1 pound from last post.

Down 13 pounds from January.


I was worried I would gain back most of the weight I lost due to braces/e.coli/flu once I started eating again.

Still working on getting more consistent with my exercise and training. I'm still easily worn out from being so sick and not able to eat real food. But I've tried to stay more active during the day- walking around the classroom more and during recess duty.

As long as the weather holds I'm planning on trying to fit in a few walk/run sessions wherever my crazy schedule will fit it in. I think that's another reason I haven't been able to be consistent- because I can't schedule a specific time everyday. I need to shift my idea of consistency. I can still schedule my exercise in, but it just won't be the same time each day. It sounds like such a small thing, but my day is filled with hour-by-hour and minute-by-minute planning, it's hard to shut that off.

So many mental roadblocks. They're definitely more difficult to overcome than the physical. Can I get an "Amen-Hallelujah!!"?

I kind of wanted to post pictures each week to show progress. I say "kind of" because, as my mother will attest to, I HATE having photos taken of myself. I'm sure that's all psychological, too. BUT I will post occasional photos when I remember and can think of a good motivation.

I have a good motivation.

When I got my braces on, I got a t-shirt. I love the t-shirt. But I can't wear it. Not yet. Because I look like Jabba the Hut or Slimer from Ghostbusters. Soooooooooo many fat rolls. I am so uncomfortable posting these pictures. But, at my next appointment I'm totally going to rock this shirt. Or at least not roll it so much.

Enough stalling. The future "past me". . .

My next appointment is April 9th and if I wear my t-shirt, I get a FREE smoothie. FREEEEEEEE!

See. Motivation.


  1. Congrats on being down a pound Woo Hoo!! Heck, I celebrate the ounces too! ;) I need to start running/walking too, call me if you want a partner!! :)


    1. Every little bit counts!!! Starting Spring Break, if you're around, let's start walking T/Th evenings maybe 8:30-ish?

  2. Good job!! But stop sending me those lost pounds!!!

    1. But I like sending you presents :)
      No Returns!!!!

  3. "Amen-Hallelujah!!" I'm with you. I have a cool zombie t-shirt, but it is much smaller than it should have been (I ordered online), and I'm bigger than I should be.

    Keep up the battle! You've motivated me. I will wake up early and work out tomorrow d*** it! :) -Pam

  4. Bahahahahahaha!!! I'm so powerful. . .
