
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Drum Roll Please. . .

Keeping it short and sweet tonight:

So, after a week of healthier eating and getting off my butt, the results are in.

Last Saturday my starting weight was at my personal all-time high of 210.

This Saturday I am down to 203.8.

That would be a loss of 6.2 pounds.

While I am VERY happy about these results, I am aware of a few things:

1) These first ten pounds are going to go the fastest, because they were put on the fastest and by things I did in excess that I normally don't do: drink gallons of diet coke, eat large quantities of sugary, fatty Christmas treats, lay in my bed sleeping the day away and watching hour after hour after hour of Netflix.

2) A good percentage of the weight lost this week is probably water weight.

3) Because of 1 and 2, I need to keep perspective as I weigh myself as the weeks go on. I need to feel just as good about a 1 pound or 1/2 pound loss. Or no loss, but no gain.

On a separate note:

In case you were wondering where I've been tracking my food and exercise, there are tabs at the top of the blog. Nothing fancy.


  1. So, you went from 210 to 303? hmmm. What have you been eating?

    1. So I was craving steak. Lots and lots and lots and lots of steak. Hahahahahahahahahaha! Shouldn't blog when I'm tired.

  2. Keep it up Amanda! You will get to the finish line by putting one foot in front on the other.
