
Saturday, January 12, 2013


Hi, my name is Amanda and I am obese.

Obese. Such an ugly word. But I chose it on purpose. It makes me uncomfortable. There is no postive association with the word. I no longer want this label. So out it goes.

I stepped on the scale this morning and the number made me sick.


In my best WWF voice (and in my head because talking out loud to yourself is just crazy) I yelled, "YOU ARE GOING DOOOOOOOOWWWWNNN!!!!!"

My awesome friend, W, has invited me to be a part of her Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay team in June. Perfect. I can use this as my kickstart to greatness. You see, it includes all the things that motivate me:

1) Peer pressure. I don't want to let W down. Not that she would ever, ever, ever pass judgement. It's just that she's kind of a hero of mine. I've followed her journey as a runner and she inspires me. (W, if you're reading this, I totally blog stalked you for, like, a year and a half. I hope you're not too creeped out and we can still be friends).

2) Cool stuff. I want that cool Ragnar sticker to put on my car window as a status symbol. Call me shallow. Actually, don't. This is my journey, so shut it.

3) I had to fork over $124. As God as my witness, I cannot throw that kind of money away. I am committed. There is no way I am backing out. I will get my money's worth and complete this race or die trying. Which brings me to my next motivator:

4) I don't want to die. Since I'm not backing out, I've got to train for this baby. Really train. I've done 5ks, 10ks, and even an accidental 13k. However, you know you're not a serious runner when you have to open your jacket and flash your race bib to fellow runners who ask, "Uhh. . .are you guys in this race?" Just because my sister and I were stopping to take awesome posed pictures. . .of us running.

The truth is, I typically don't run for extended periods unless I am being chased. And that just really doesn't happen often. Or at all. Hence the fact I'm in horrible shape right now.

And that leads me to why I've started this blog.

I need a forum to log my training, chart my progress, whine, complain, and shout from the rooftops when I only eat one chocolate chip cookie instead of six. Because this is not about giving up the things I love. It's about making better choices. And if you want to follow along and cheer me on or tell me to stop whining and take the dog for a walk, consider yourself invited.

So, here I go. . .


  1. I'm am so proud of you. This will motivate me as I see progress through your journey! YOU'VE GOT THIS!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, M!!! Can't wait to do some fun runs with you!

  3. Yay, I'll sit anxiously with my bowl of popcorn waiting for future posts! ;)

  4. Because I am an awesome sister, and because I don't want you to beat me at stuff (you will probably soon be able to out-run me) I will do this thing with you. I hereby declare the beginning of my "get in shape or die trying" life change!

  5. Hey, that sounds really cool! I am very proud of you for taking a stand (run) on those wretched fat cells! If only we could wring them out of our bodies. I have begun, in a small way, to fight them also! May we all win!!!
    btw, what is Ragnar?

  6. You go girl!! I also top the charts at over 200, but I am unable to run even half a block (asthma). But you inspire me to want to be more active - like chasing around 650 kids at recess isn't active?? I look forward to reading about your adventures!!

    1. Thanks, K!!! I guess you're getting a break from the chasing. . .inside recesses. . .grrrrrr. . .

  7. The first line gave me a chuckle and from there I was hooked.....You are amazing and I wish you good luck. I love following blogs, especially ones that make me laugh!!

    1. Thank you!!! I look forward to entertaining you further :)

  8. I know some folks that have gone on the journey of Ragnar and they are better for it. I look forward to following and supporting your healthy endeavors. If you're interested I have a Bodybug that you might find useful, too.

    1. Thank you, brother!!FB some more info about the Bodybug, please!
