
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Saboteurs, Nemeses, and Archenemies! Oh, My!

In the coming days, weeks, and months there will be things that come up that could potentially derail my success. Scratch that. Not "potentially." It is inevitible.

In no particular order, here are a few:

Saboteur #1: My job. I teach, and anyone who spends long periods of time with children knows a few things, and don't get me wrong- I absolutely ADORE my class this year- best group I've had in years. However. Children are frustrating at times. Children are delightful most of the time. Children are exhausting energy-suckers ALL THE TIME.

I love the children. The children love me. Because the children love me, they want to share everything with me. EVERYTHING. Stories, cute drawings, handfuls of sweaty-palmed skittles from their lunches, "jokes" that they start over five times and end in unintelligible giggles, family secrets/plots/intrigues. . .

And the germs. SO MANY GERMS!!!!!!!! The children make me sick. Literally. I think I'm allergic to one or all of them. Seriously. But it's okay. I still love the children.

Then there are all the non-teaching duties: grading, meetings, parent communication, committee assignments.

And the 45-minute commute. An hour and a half of my day stuck in the car.

By the time I get home I am physically, emotionally, and mentally depleted. The desire to cook a healthy dinner or exercise is somewhat lacking.

Saboteur #2: Foooooooooooooooooooood. I love delicious food. I hate non-delicious food. I am a convenience junkie. The good thing is, there are so many delicious foods that I love that are also healthy for me. But they take time. Forethought. Trips to the grocery store. So many times convenience trumps the health and deliciocity factors. Much to the detriment to my waistline and general well-being. If I choose something delicious and convenient, it's usually not healthy. If I choose something healthy and convenient, it's usually not delicious. And if it's not delicious I go in search of more food to satisfy my discriminating palate. <--- I jest. By "discriminating" palate I simply mean that my tastebuds must dance a happy dance. A flavor-full happy dance. Then there is the brain-washing voodoo aspect of food. I've worked hard to recognize and manage my emotional eating over the past several years. I only occaisionally stress or sad or happy eat. But I mindlessly zombie eat. And portion control? Webster's defines control as the following: a restraining or directing influence over. Oh, yeah. I definitely have control. I restrain the non-delicious food from gathering on my plate and directly influence large amounts of deliciousness on to it instead.

Saboteur #3:

This is my BKF (Best Kitten Friend), Professor Minerva McGonagall. She's nothing like her namesake. Maybe I should have named her Lady Voldemort. No, that wouldn't really fit. Because I'm sure that she did what she did out of some misguided sense of love. I think.

She Tonya Harding-ed my toe. With a mug.

This little piggy went, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! &@#$@!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!"

She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named became The Cat Who Lived, only because she could run faster than. . .well, because she could run.

Of course it could have been just an accident. Or maybe she thought I could use some extra rest and decided to force the issue by incapacitating me. Or perhaps it was a cry for help, a need for more bonding time. With me laid up we were definitely getting in more snuggle time.

However, as the days of recovery wore on, I began to suspect an ulterior, even more self-serving motive. This happened just as I was about to launch my exercise campaign. Coincidence? No.

Suddenly, the realization dawned on me.

Kitten loves my fat rolls.

The squishy softness is perfect for optimal kneading of the claws. The perfect venue for napping, complete with cushiony headrests.

Kitten wants me fat.

Kitten will go to any lengths.

But forewarned is forearmed. Vigilance is my watchword, kitten.

Prepare to say goodbye to the fat rolls, BKF. Their days are numbered.


  1. Your saboteurs are so similar to mine: Time. Energy sucking children. Desire for good food. The only difference is that my cat hasn't tried to kill me yet. I try drinking water whenever I get a craving to see if it will go away. And as for the other convenience issue. I am so sorry to say that the only way to combat that is to plan ahead. Which I am so bad at. But that doesn't change the truthfulness of it. Have more fresh veggies in the house. They are at least easy to prepare. I might feel sorry for myself if my entire dinner were sautéed vegetables, but at least I wouldn't feel guilty.....
    Also, we are buying a Blendtec. I'm excited to be drinking half of my meals in the near future. Keep up the good work!

    1. You are so very right about the planning ahead. I'm just going to have to suck it up and spend a few hours on Saturdays planning, shopping, and prepping. I have started buying those veggie trays (conveniently pre-chopped) and leaving it open on my counter during prime snack time. It's definitely helps.Let me know how you like the blendtec and if you come across any amazing smoothie recipes. Thank you for the straight talk and support!!!!

  2. I deal with the energy sucking kids all day too! It's tough to find time for yourself and do the things you want to do to stay healthy. I know your plight and understand completely! Just keep swimming, or running or walking...that's my mantra for now!

    Thank you for starting this seriously make my day! Keep up the good work!

  3. Nothing tastes better than being thin. But licking that McDonald's big mac wrapper is pretty dern close!

  4. That big toe of yours looks pretty sad! :(

    I think one saboteur of mine is my own thoughts... just psyching myself out... thinking it's too hard of a day to stick to plan and I just want to be comforted with sugary food... and I have no partner to walk or run with so I don't go. But once you sign up for something (say the Ragnar) and you know you're committed because you forked out the dough... you kinda gotta DO something!! I've been thinking of signing up for something too... we'll see... :)

    ROCK ON!!

  5. If you can, working out in the morning is the best. You will have more energy all day, you will burn more calories all day, and it is so easy to talk yourself out of working out after a long day.

    And taking a class is great, because you have a greater sense of commitment. Even if it is just the side of you that says I spent $x on this class, and I'm going to get my money's worth. Last year I used a Groupon bootcamp deal, and it was one of the best things I ever did. -Pam

    1. Mornings are best, I agree! But with my commute and how early I need to be to work, it just doesn't happen. Once summer comes, it'll be nice. Great idea about signing up for a class. My city just started a community education program- I should check out if they have any fitness classes! Thanks for the support, Pam!! You always have great ideas and make me feel like I can do this :)

    2. You can - you can! And soon you can just jog out here to L.A. for a visit. ;) And Ben's idea of using your commute to get you pumped up sounds like a great idea. And now that I think about it, changing into workout clothes before your commute also helps you get down to business when you get to class, a park or home for a a workout. -Pam

  6. That commute can be the one thing that takes that last little bit of energy from your daily workout. A few options to circumvent that are, as Pam mentioned above, start your day with your workout and the bootcamp deals. I've done both with some success. But most of the time its just practical to exercise in the evening.What worked for me is utilizing my commute home by listening to weight-loss motivational mp3s. They keep me focused long enough to make a good meal choice and hop to the gym. I have many authors I enjoy and have hundreds of hours I can burn on a dvd for you. Good going so far. I think digitizing your diet goals is great . . .as a great poet said " Yes, I love technology
    But not as much as you, you see
    But I still love technology
    Always and forever "

    1. My favorite poet. Ever.

      Good idea about listening to fitness related things on the way home. I would love some, please! Thank you for sharing what helps you out- some of these ideas I would never think of.
